Asociación de fabricantes de maquina herramienta.
Asociación de fabricantes de maquina herramienta.

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ITCL has positioned itself as one of the benchmark technology centres in Industry 4.0 enabling technologies. The results and skills acquired enable ITCL to lead within the research competences of Cervera CDTI Technologies, promote technological development and knowledge transfer to companies.

Our interdisciplinary teams composed of doctors, technologists and engineers from different specialties (physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers), work in the following knowledge units:

  • Artificial Intelligence applied to industrial processes: Research works on GenAI technologies, ML, Big Data, Data Science, Blockchain, quantum programming.
  • Firmware/Security: ITCL has experience in the creation of robust information processing systems to reduce vulnerabilities in systems and networks.
  • Artificial Vision: Processing and extraction of information of interest from captured images or videos. Advanced algorithms: Detection of defects in parts, classification, surveillance and biometrics. Hyperspectral cameras: Chemical imaging.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality: Virtual training for risk environments, driving simulators with sensory recognition, heritage and digital health projects.
  • Mobile and Immersive Robotics: Technologies that optimise unattended operations. VA, AI, DL and immersive reality solutions are incorporated with ultra-low latency communication and control architectures.
  • Electronic design and prototyping of advanced electronic boards and devices (IoT, Edge, FPGA) for integration in sensorisation, signalling and communication systems in infrastructures, capital goods, automotive and digital health products.
  • Smart infrastructures and electric mobility. Implementation projects in public and private structures for rental systems and management of shared fleets of electric vehicles (bicicard, carsharing, carpooling, etc.).
  • Energy modelling and cyber-physical systems: ITCL has specific tools for industrial refrigeration installations, always with the aim of improving energy efficiency and generating cost savings associated with their operation.


Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León

C/López Bravo, 70. Pol. Ind. Villalonquéjar. 09001 Burgos



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