Asociación de fabricantes de maquina herramienta.
Asociación de fabricantes de maquina herramienta.

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20 September, 2024The IMTS 2024 (International Manufacturing Technology Show), held in Chicago, closed its edition after six days of intense activity, consolidating its position as one of the most important global events for the advanced manufacturing sector. With more than 89,000 attendees and 1,609 exhibitors, the show focused on presenting the latest trends in automation, digital manufacturing and integrated solutions, demonstrating how these technologies are transforming the industry. In this context, AFM Cluster accompanied 17 associated companies, reinforcing Spain's presence in a highly competitive and relevant market such as the US.

Agreement for the creation of the Ibero-American Federation of Advanced Manufacturing (FIM)

One of the highlights of the fair was the signing of the agreement for the creation of the Ibero-American Federation of Advanced Manufacturing (FIM). This new entity, driven by AFM Cluster and other institutions, aims to strengthen collaboration between Ibero-American countries, promoting the exchange of knowledge and the adoption of innovative technologies in the sector. The FIM will also seek to establish common standards and foster the competitiveness of Ibero-American companies in international markets, underlining the importance of greater cooperation in the field of advanced manufacturing.

Automation and Digital Transformation, cornerstones of IMTS 2024

In terms of the themes addressed at IMTS 2024, automation and digital transformation were the central themes. The companies, including the Spanish ones present at the fair, presented advanced automation and collaborative robotics solutions aimed at improving productivity and optimising industrial processes. These technologies not only enable greater efficiency, but also help mitigate the impact of skilled labour shortages, a major challenge in the sector. In addition, demonstrations of collaborative robots, automated loading and unloading systems and intelligent control tools captured the interest of many visitors, cementing automation as a key trend for the future of manufacturing.

Innovation in additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing also featured prominently at IMTS 2024, with a sector dedicated exclusively to this emerging technology. Companies such as Meltio and other Spanish companies presented 3D printing innovations that combine subtractive and additive processes to produce complex parts with greater precision and flexibility. This technology offers a significant opportunity for companies looking to customise their products or work with small batches, which can make a competitive difference in a market increasingly oriented towards customised solutions.

The role of Artificial Intelligence and Data Management

Another key theme was artificial intelligence (AI) and data management, areas that are transforming manufacturing by offering new ways to optimise production. Technology companies such as Microsoft and Google Cloud presented cloud-based solutions that enable manufacturers to collect, organise and analyse large volumes of data in real time. These technologies help companies improve operational efficiency, anticipate machine failures and reduce downtime, which is critical to staying competitive in the era of digital transformation.

Partnership opportunities with the US Navy

In addition to technological innovations, IMTS 2024 offered new opportunities for strategic collaboration. For the first time, the US Navy was present at the show to present its submarine construction programme, inviting small and medium-sized companies in the industry to collaborate on this project. This initiative aims to revitalise the country's defence industrial base, which represents an important opportunity for Spanish companies seeking to expand in this market. AFM Cluster facilitated access to these opportunities for its companies, demonstrating the importance of the fair as a platform for exploring new commercial horizons.

AFM Cluster's participation in IMTS 2024 not only allowed Spanish companies to showcase their technological innovations on an international stage, but also to consolidate their position in the competitive advanced manufacturing market. Furthermore, the creation of the Ibero-American Federation of Advanced Manufacturing marks a new milestone in international collaboration, opening new ways for Ibero-American companies to work together in the development of advanced technologies and common standards.


    AFM, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

    AFM, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

    Tel.: +34 943 309009

    Fax.: +34 943 309191



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