In 2019-2020 the Master's Degree in Aeronautical Technologies and Machine-Tools itself and in particular, in the Machine-Tool specialisation, given by the UPV in collaboration with AFM (AFM Advanced Manufacturing Technologies), has for the first time the same number of men and women among its students.
To date, this degree given at the Bilbao School of Engineering has always enjoyed a high presence of women (roughly 30%), but the given situation in which 50% of students are female has never occurred before. In this regard, it is important to underline that these figures are well above those of leading countries in the sector such as France or Germany (where the number of women studying engineering is less than 30%). It is an example of equality that, undoubtedly, is the result of the overall efforts of the sector in opening opportunities to our talent. The number of female students has been increasing since the first edition of this specialisation course offered for the first time in 2008. From the outset female students were participants in bachelor's, master's degree projects where students must wear a grey or blue gown and carry out tests using machine tools.
Machine tools, manufacturing in the automotive, aeronautics, wind etc. sectors are key in our society and economy and, undoubtedly, an excellent target for our engineers. Therefore, Olaia Pérez says that "the reality of a workshop has been a very rewarding experience for me, knowing that what is studied is intended at obtaining precision components, you're in touch with reality ...". Elsewhere, Biarritz Larrimbe is beginning to perform experiments of her end-of-degree project using the CNC lathe (Basque machine) and recognising that machining is very complex: “in each process there are parameters to control, the truth is that performing a machining operation is more difficult than it looks”. Ainhoa Robles has been a collaborating student for a year now, the finishing process has been the subject of her endeavours: “if you pay attention to what is going on around you realise that advanced manufacturing is key and therefore is the right direction for my training”. And also helping in the multi-axis milling machine is Laura Domínguez, who has finally verified how important mechatronics is in our companies: “The numerical control is the brain of the machine, engineering is becoming more multidisciplinary, machines, sensors, control, data, etc.”
Twelve editions ago the trajectory commenced in the Machine-Tool Classroom, an advanced training initiative in the Machine-Tool and Manufacturing Technologies field which is located in the Superior Technical School of Engineering of Bilbao, belonging to the University of the Basque Country- Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. The Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Biscay supported and still support this advanced training initiative, which has been a platform and starting ramp for engineering students towards manufacturing companies. AFM's support from the outset has remained been constant, and the companies within the sector have always hired graduates.
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