Asociación de fabricantes de maquina herramienta.
Asociación de fabricantes de maquina herramienta.

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30 May, 2024

Castellanos y Echevarría - Vitoria, S.A. (CEVISA), a renowned company in the field of industrial solutions for welding preparation, is pleased to announce its participation in the 2024 Biennial International Machine-Tool Exhibition (BIEMH) in Bilbao. Visitors will be able to find CEVISA at Pavilion 2, Stand C-28.

CHP 30G - Portable Milling Machine

The CHP 30G model is a portable million machine that is perfect for manufacturing bevels with machined surfaces and variable angles of between 15 and 70 degrees. Designed to work with thicknesses of between 3 and 50 mm and a maximum bevel length of 30 mm, this machine stands out for its robustness and ease of use. Its technical characteristics include:

  •          Impeccable machined finish
  •          Forward thrust and RPM regulation
  •          4 bar pneumatic fastening system

These features ensure vibration free, silent work, which maintains high performance in any material.

CHP 60G INV - Innovation in Bevellers

The CHP 60G INV represents a revolution in the realm of automatic bevelling. Designed to make bottom bevels on very thick metal sheets and tough materials like Hardox or Duplex, this machine can:

  •          Work with thicknesses from 10 mm to 70 mm
  •          Perform bevels of up to 60 mm in length

Its joint working capacity with the CHP-60G can make bevels in K and in X without needing to flip the sheets, thus doubling up production with just one operative and cutting down on production costs by over 50%.

Live demos

Throughout BIEMH 2024, visitors will have the opportunity to watch live demos of the showcased CEVISA machines. The most eagerly awaited demos include the CHP 60G INV, which has been impressing bridge builders and civil engineers because of its precision and speed in the application of stainless steel bevels.

Applications in a variety of sectors

CEVISA machines are not just used for welding preparation, they also have applications in other industrial sectors. For instance, the CHP 60G portable milling machine has been used in large-scale projects such as construction and wind power. These machines can do top and bottom bevels on sheet metal with thicknesses from 4 mm to 100 mm, managing highly resistant materials without the need for large investments in additional equipment.

Continuous innovation

In response to the growing demand for specific solutions for welding preparation, CEVISA's technical team has developed a device for doing J bevels. This device provides a constant, steady radius of 8 mm, suitable for J or U bevel weld configurations. Continuous innovation and the ability to adapt to the specific needs of customers are fundamental mainstays of CEVISA's philosophy, enabling it to offer comprehensive and customised solutions worldwide.




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