Asociación de fabricantes de maquina herramienta.
Asociación de fabricantes de maquina herramienta.

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30 May, 2024

Madaula, a company specialising in innovative solutions for machine tools, will be present at the 32nd Biennial International Machine-Tool Exhibition (BIEMH), where it will be unveiling its latest innovations.

The new releases include the latest broaching units, a mechanical speed multiplier tool holder ULTRASPIN, and a revolutionary new product: the high-frequency spindle DS-TOHP (high speed and high pressure).

Broaching technology

Madaula has developed a design to improve the precision and efficiency of the process. Broaching is a fast, effective and economical system for creating internal and external shapes out of parts made from various materials.

The motorised units for this type of application reduce cycle time, without the need for secondary operations, and ensure a high-quality finish.

These types of operations are performed on lathes and machining centres, replacing the use of EDM or stamping machines, and are executed quickly with significant cost savings. This operating principle preserves the machine's useful life.

Future of high-speed machining

Ultraspin is one of Madaula’s latest innovations, a solution that can increase machine speed with minimal investment.

Suitable for all types of machining and surface finishes, it is ideal for micro-machining, facilitating an increased working capacity with excellent results.

The technology applied is mechanical transmission, which ensures high torque and excellent robustness, reaching up to 24,000 RPM or more. The result is a saving in overall machining time. This tool holder can be mounted onto all machines.

High speed + High precision: DS-TOHP

Precitronics, which forms part of Madaula, will present its new innovation, in which the high-frequency spindle combines high speed (DS) and high pressure (TOHP).

The trend towards the use of high pressure in tool cooling has given rise to a new, patented solution in high-frequency DS spindles, reaching pressures of up to 150 bar thanks to TOHP technology.  Ideal for micro-machining operations.

With the use of high pressure, we offer a softer, faster cut and longer useful life for tools.

The main benefits are:

  •          Coolant pressure up to 150 bar for cutting oil and emulsion.
  •          Cycle time savings of 25-30%.
  •          No swarf trouble: produces smaller swarf and controls it better.
  •          Major time savings and extended useful life of tools: brings better returns.
  •          Enhanced surface quality: no high temperatures during machining.
  •          Eco-friendly: respects the environment.




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